Bleaching White Clothes: Get the Brightest White!

Bright white clothes are fun to wear, but only till they are not washed. Once you use chemical-infused detergent on your white clothes, all it’s brightness starts to fade away. The whites start looking dull and grey. It is so bad that if you wear a dull white, it may also impact your personality. However, bleach can come to your rescue. Just a small amount of bleach can return the sparkling white shade of your clothes if you do it the right way. Here are the easiest tips for bleaching white clothes.

1. Soaking

Even today, most households wash clothes in the traditional way, which is by soaking them and then brushing them to remove the stains. This method can be used to bleach the white clothes as well. For this, first of all, get a big container and pour cold water along with the whites that you want to bleach. Make sure to just add white clothes in the bucket or else the colours of other clothes may get transferred to your whites as well. Now pour bleach into the bucket. Keep stirring the clothes from time to time as the bleach may be harsh to the fabric if it stays there for a long time. Set a timer and allow the fabric to soak in the bleach for 10 minutes. Once done, remove the clothes from the bucket wash them with cold water and make sure that no residue is left, before drying them in the sun.

2. Washing Machine

When you are bleaching your whites in the washing machine, the first thing you should do is check the label whether you can safely use chlorine bleach. After that run your clothes at the highest temperature setting that your clothing will allow. After that add your detergent. Add ¾ cup liquid chlorine bleach to your washer bleach dispenser. Wash it as usual and get great results. It is one of the easiest methods of bleaching whites.

3. Sonic soak Solutions

Sonic soak solutions are also getting immensely popular as a great bleaching solution. It takes lesser water, time and sucks off all the dirt from within the fabric. For those asking how to bleach clothes sonic soak, put water in a huge bowl and also one end of the ultrasonic equipment that looks like a hose.  Allow the water to heat for some time and then add bleach. You can also add detergent if the stains are very stubborn. Make the ultrasonic run until you get the best results. 


Though all three methods are helpful, if you want the best results with the least water and time wastage, then you should try the ultrasonic bleaching method.  


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